Facade Grant Program

Stone County Economic Development Partnership in partnership with Mississippi Power has established the Wiggins Façade Grant Program to provide financial incentives for Downtown Wiggins property owners (in the MS Power service area) to make exterior improvements to existing businesses.

The purpose of the Façade Grant Program is:

  • To increase utilization of existing downtown buildings,
  • To improve the economic vitality of Downtown Wiggins through increased retail sales, commercial growth and valuation of property,
  • And to improve the aesthetics of the Downtown District and attract new business and industry to the area.

The Stone County Economic Development Partnership Façade Grant Program will provide awards up to a maximum $5,000.00 per project for exterior improvements to buildings within the Wiggins Central Business District.

Applicants must be property owners or tenants operating businesses, restaurants, service establishments, a retail business or offices located in the Central Business District of Downtown Wiggins. Owners of vacant buildings are eligible for the Program if the owner’s purpose is to make improvements to attract commercial businesses.

Applicants must obtain approval from the Stone County Economic Development Partnership Design Committee.

Eligible exterior improvements include:

  • Cleaning, mortar joint repair, patching or painting of exterior surfaces.
  • Repair or replace entrances, doors and windows.
  • Railings, ironwork, and/or cornice addition, repair, or replacement.
  • Repair or installation of awnings and canopies.
  • Removal of barriers to access for people with disabilities.

Other improvements may be presented for consideration from the committee.

Membership with SCEDP is required to be within the past 12 months of the submitted application. Grants may not be used for refinancing existing loans, working capital, the purchase of inventory or interior renovations/improvements. Grants will be made to a maximum of $5,000.00; matching $1.00 to every $1.00 invested or a 50/50 matching basis. Grant recipients must secure their portion of the project cost prior to the start of the improvements and submit documentation to SCEDP within six (6) months of the completion date.

All projects shall be undertaken and completed by contractors who meet all applicable requirements of the State of Mississippi and the City of Wiggins. SCEDP will not be liable for any accidents during construction.

Worksheet for Wiggins Façade Grant applicants:

  • Take photos of the property prior to commencing work on the project.
  • Submit façade grant project application for review.
  • Proceed with work on the façade project; be sure to document all payments to contractors & keep receipts.
  • Take photographs during and after completion of the façade project.
  • Upon completion, follow up with the SCEDP and submit receipts, photos and descriptions of the work.
  • Upon approval, SCEDP will match the contribution made by the business owner, dollar for dollar, up to $5,000. For example, if Lee’s Tea-shop is approved for $4200 in façade repairs, SCEDP will pay $2,100 to the business owner upon full completion of the project once receipts have been submitted.
    Schedule announcement event commemorating the completion of the project; SCEDP will present the check for the approved amount at the event.

Facade Grant Program Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Applicant Status:(Required)

Mailing Address:(Required)

Property Information:

Include detailed plans, timeline, and pictures.
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Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
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    I have attached the following documents:(Required)